Attribute | Description | Required |
targetDir | Directory path where java source file should be stored (see hints) | Yes |
className | Name of the class to be generated, e.g. AppReleaseInfo | Yes |
packageName | Package of the class to be generated | No |
buildnumFile | Filepath of Buildnumber-File (see hints) | No |
buildNumIncrement | Increment for the Buildnumber (Default is 1) | No |
buildNumProperty | Property name for build number | No |
project | Name of the Project/Product (also used in viewer title bar) | No |
version | Version of the Project/Product (also used in viewer title bar) | No |
withViewer | Embed code for Swing-Viewer (true/false=default) | No |
You can use nested <Parameter>
elements to specify
fields (and methods) in the BuildInfo file. Parameter is an ANT built-in type
with the attributes name, type, value.
Attribute | Description | Required |
name | Name of the property name/value pair | Yes |
value | Value of the property name/value pair | Yes |
type | Type of the value (for now: String, int, boolean, Integer, Boolean) String is Default | No |
First define the task with "taskdef". The attribute "name" defines the name under which the task will be called,
"classname" is the name of the ant task name in jreleaseinfo-1.3.0.jar and "location" in the <classpath>
elements shows where jreleaseinfo-1.3.0.jar can be found.
Note: If you use a property like in the example ${lib.dir} which is defined in another target, be sure
it was already processed. Embed your taskdef in a target which is dependend from the definition
<taskdef name="jreleaseinfo" classname="ch.oscg.jreleaseinfo.anttask.JReleaseInfoAntTask" classpath="${lib.dir}/jreleaseinfo-1.3.0.jar" />
<jreleaseinfo targetDir="${basedir}/src/java" className="MyReleaseInfo" />
After running, the file src/java/ will provide with no package defined, but with the following single method:
final public static Date getBuildDate();
This example contains the build-number, which is automatically generated. Furthermore getter methods for version, revision and other flags are defined. The build-number is stored in the "buildnumFile" for further use. If the file defined in the attribute "buildnumFile" does not exist, it will be generated and the number set to 1.
<jreleaseinfo className="MyReleaseInfo" packageName="com.mypack" targetDir="${basedir}/src/java" project="MyProject" version="1.3" withViewer="true" buildNumFile="${basedir}/" buildNumProperty="buildnum" > <parameter name="VersionNum" type="int" value="1" /> <parameter name="RevisionNum" type="Integer" value="3" /> <parameter name="Debug" type="boolean" value="false" /> <parameter name="Open" type="Boolean" value="true" /> </jreleaseinfo>
After running the file in the package com.mypack in the directoy src/java will expose the following methods, and an embedded viewer:
final public static Date getBuildDate(); final public static String getProject(); final public static String getVersion(); final public static int getBuildNumber(); final public static int getVersionNum(); final public static Integer getRevisionNum(); final public static boolean isDebug(); final public static Boolean isOpen(); public static void main(String[] args);
buildNumFile (optional)
If this attribute is set, a running build number is embedded. The build number
is stored in the defined file. If the file does not yet exist, it will be created
and the build number will be set to 1.
buildNumIncrement (optional)
With this attribute the increment can be set. Typically the increment is 1, which also is the default.
There are cases where a project and its subproject will use the same BuildNumFile, but
all should get the same buildNumber. So the subproject have to set the increment to 0.
buildNumProperty (optional)
If you provide a name with this attribute (and the buildNumFile is set!) the
build number is also assigned to the property and can be accessed from within
<echo message="Build-Number: ${buildnum}" />
With this attribute, a viewer class is embedded. If you set the generated ReleaseInfoFile as Main-class in your jar file, you can show the release information in a window application.
Each call to JReleaseInfo AntTasks results in a new source file. We want a new file when we are building a new release. We made the release-target dependent from update_jreleaseinfo-target.
<!-- ================================================================ --> <!-- JReleaseInfo --> <!-- ================================================================ --> <target name="update_jreleaseinfo" depends="init"> <echo message="creating JReleaseInfo File in ${src.dir}" /> <taskdef name="jreleaseinfo" classname="ch.oscg.jreleaseinfo.anttask.JReleaseInfoAntTask" classpath="${lib.dir}/jreleaseinfo-1.3.0.jar" /> <jreleaseinfo className="MyReleaseInfo" packageName="${packagename}" targetDir="${src.dir}/java" project="${project}" version=${version}" withViewer="true" buildNumFile="${basedir}/" buildNumProperty="buildnum" > <parameter name="company" value="${company}"/> <parameter name="buildTimeStamp" value="${tstamp_build}" /> <parameter name="home" value="${web}" /> <parameter name="mail" value="${mail}" /> <parameter name="copyright" value="${copyright}"/> </jreleaseinfo> </target> <!-- ================================================================ --> <!-- Jar --> <!-- ================================================================ --> <target name="jar" depends="init"> ... <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${project}-${version}.jar"> <manifest> <attribute name="Main-class" value="${packagename}.MyReleaseInfo"/> </manifest> ... </jar> </target> <!-- ================================================================ --> <!-- Release --> <!-- ================================================================ --> <target name="release" depends="clean, update_jreleaseinfo, jar"> ... </target>
You should not use relative path definitions (e.g. for TargetDir and BuildNumFile). Instead use the ant variable ${basedir} or a fully qualified path.
The distribution contains a small demo project, containing only the (generated) releaseinfo class.
The target show_info in the ant buildfile demo_build results in the following steps:
C:\proj\oscg\jreleaseinfo>ant -f demo_build.xml show_info Buildfile: demo_build.xml init: clean: [delete] Deleting directory C:\proj\oscg\jreleaseinfo\demo update_jreleaseinfo: [echo] creating JReleaseInfo File in C:\proj\oscg\jreleaseinfo/demo/src [echo] The current build number is 12 compile: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\proj\oscg\jreleaseinfo\demo\classes [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:\proj\oscg\jreleaseinfo\demo\classes jar: [jar] Building jar: C:\proj\oscg\jreleaseinfo\demo\jreleaseinfo_demo-1.0.0.jar release: show_info: BUILD SUCCESSFUL
As a result, the well known info window will appear: